Charlestown Electrical is Authorized through Ausgrid category 1,2 and 4 to perform on your premises all underground works, point of attachment repairs and upgrades, installation of new meters or switchboard alterations.
Private power poles and pillars – replacement or installation of new galvanized power poles or underground pillars required to comply with NSW service rules and local supply authority standards.
Underground Power supplies – complete underground works to install service mains to your switchboard terminals.
Three phase upgrade – all electrical work associated with upgrading your power supply for air conditioning or for larger homes requiring more power.
Metering – time of use metering, flat rate metering, off peak hot water or solar metering we can do it all.
Consumer Mains repairs or replacement – consumer mains run from your point of supply on the fascia of your house or your private pillar or pole. Sometimes they can become damaged by tree roots or just outdated and need replacing we can do all work associated with helping you get power back on ASAP.
Point of Attachment Repairs/ upgrades/ replacements – we can replace your old wood block on your front of fascia or upgrade it if it has become damaged or a defect notice given from the supply authority.
200AMP switchboard – design, supply and install for 200-400 amp switchboards for your commercial project